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The Tale of Two Goats

     Well we've had Lily and Belle for two weeks now and they are doing wonderful.  I had a bit of a scare when we picked them up from the eccentric goat breeding lady.  The lady picked up one goat and Casey picked up the other one and when he put them in the back of the car Belle let out this horrific scream, the goat not the lady.  Casey says I froze up and my eyes were all bugged out..I don't recall this but he is still getting a kick out of it.  I did stop for a second because I thought she was hurt.  She was just pissed we were taking her away from her family.

The car ride home.
     When we got them home and let them lose onto the back of our property they dashed for the fence and wanted nothing to do with us.  They relaxed more as the day went by and will come up to us and sniff us.  All the work we put into making them a comfy shelter/bed and they wouldn't sleep in it...they are using it now. The first few days was like bringing home a baby, we're like "now what?" and "what are they doing now?"  You can usually catch one of us at the back door checking them out to see what they're up to.  They have been making us quite nervous with how adventurous they are on what they climb.  Our firewood is stacked under our awning by their shelter and boy do they love that stack of wood that is at least 5 feet tall.  We stand at the kitchen window grinding our teeth watching them climb up and down it and jump off of it.

View from kitchen, goats being goats.

  Everyday is a new day with them and they're quite entertaining.  We hauled up some pallets and made a make shift fort for them to play on.  They've come to love our old picnic table that sits outback, they climb or take naps on top of it, they're absolutely adorable when they are sleeping.  They are quite curious like George, they've been jumping up on anything they can stand on.  For instance papa's table saw is up against the house and they have been jumping on it and pounding on the side of the house it sounds like we're being attacked.  Needless to say the dogs are a nervous wreck with the ruckus.  Belle is brave enough to jump on our roof and explore so we have to go out and give her a talking too to get down.  It's been quite an adventure so far.  In case anyone is in search of a new alarm clock, goats are great for that, they say "bleh bleh feed me."and there's no snooze button.  The adventures continue on the homestead.

Checking out the new fort.


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