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The Goat Adventure is Over

  We came to the hard decision and got rid of our goats. It was a bit sad but the best choice for our family. They were great when we first got them but in the last month they were causing more of a headache then we wanted.  The first couple of months were a breeze after that not so much.
  Trying to keep them off the roof was quite the challenge.  We have an awning that meets our hillside and we thought putting a fence up around it would be enough,  they proved us wrong.  It didn't matter how much wire or barriers we put up those pesky goats always found a way up.
  The other issue was the fact that they wanted to eat up all the chicken feed. They broke down the door to get into it. The combination of that and them waking me up scampering on our roof was the limit. It was causing unnecessary arguments so they had to go. It's not all sad news though. Since we were able to sell them quickly we were able to put our order in for bees.
    Getting bees has been a goal of ours for a while but we were going to pass on them this year since we'd got the goats. Luckily we sold them fast enough that the funds became available.  A local farm supply store held a free intro class to beekeeping which we attended.   We had to deal with an annoying woman asking unnecessary questions and wanting to comment on everything but we made it through the class. Talking in the car afterwards we both agreed we were even more eager than before to jump into this passion. The benefits it will bring to our garden and to mother nature excites me beyond control.  Our bees should arrive in April in the meantime we've got some supplies to buy. Ending one journey brings us the opportunity to start the next.


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