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Epic drunken battle with a stinky one!

This last Friday I was home relaxing on our front deck drinking wine. Wine has of late became my drink of choice here at the homestead thanks in large to my generous wino friend John. He gives me cases of wine that he grows tired of and being that it's free and quite tasty I have indulged in it quite frequently lately.

Any how I had just swallowed the last sip of the bottle I decided to kill all by my lonesome when my dog Tuff let out a wicked growl followed by some genuinely concerned barking. It had just become dark enough to force me to look for a flash light so in my drunken panic I grab a tiny key chain flash light, my pistol and an Axe handle just in case whatever it is needs a good beating.

Finally I waddled my dumb drunken stumbling ass down the hill to find Tuff all up in the backside of a good size skunk. One thing about our boxer is he is fearless when it comes to defending what he thinks needs defended. This particular time he was exceptionally tenacious and would not back off and my unwillingness to get any closer to the pungent beast prompted my drunken mind to shoot my pistol at the ground just to make Tuff run home. 

To my total shock it worked so I got to spend the next twenty minutes wiping Tuff down with the anti skunk smell stuff we bought from our local feed store it is amazing stuff and we always have it on hand. Later that night I sobered up a touch and picked up my shotgun and a real flash light to see if I could exact some revenge on the smelly one. I was however unsuccessful that night but the event did prompt me to set our "have a heart no kill trap" out for his odiferous ass. 

The next three days were a blur of mindless scans dreaming of spending time with my family back on the homestead. On my first day back on the homestead we were back in the garden when Tuff started his overly concerned bark again and I smelt that old familiar smell again. I had lost the battle on Friday but was about to win the war. If you are a person who actually has a heart please stop reading now. The way I dispose of the creatures here on my homestead is to shoot the skunk right in the trap if you get a good clean lung shot they don't spray again or anything. So here on the homestead the score is about 5000 missing chicken eggs and 50 sprayed dogs to 3 dispatched skunks. Well maybe I am not winning the war. 


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