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The Great Zucchini Flood of 2014

We've been enjoying our delicious rewards from our garden.  It's hard to explain the feeling you get when you feed your family food you've grown.  To know we started all of our plants from seed and have taken care of them and they've grown into these beautiful plants and are now providing us with food makes me a bit speechless.  It's pretty awesome to provide our lil farmer boy with food we've grown and he's having a blast helping us.  Going out every day to the garden and finding a new surprise, whether it's finding something new producing or just seeing lil man get so excited about it warms my heart so much.

The other night I prepared dinner from a Rachael Ray recipe I've been using and adjusted it by adding more veggies.  Our broccoli was ready and used some our endless supply of zucchini, it was pretty delicious, the boys devoured it.  To use up more of the pile of zucchini we have I spent the day with my sis baking zucchini bread.  We needed some girl time plus we don't have AC so there's no way I'm turning the oven on until fall.  I tried a new dish with the zucchini last night, grilled stuffed zucchini.  I was a bit nervous about making it, I wasn't sure what the reaction would be from the hubby and our guinea pigs (dinner guests), they loved it. The mountain of zucchini is dwindling down plus now I have a new dish.  I find a lot of my recipes I use on Pinterest, I've shared the links to the recipes below.

Zucchini bread, for recipe click here.

Grilled stuffed zucchini, for recipe click here.

I have to be honest I act like a little kid in the candy store when I see new stuff in the garden.  We discovered something new in the garden the other day and I was practically jumping up and down and squealing at Mr Homestead to come check it out.  Oh what was it, it was tomatillos. In previous years we've tried growing them but failed.  Last year we learned that you have to grow them in pairs so they can pollinate.

Yippee for tomatillo.
Not everything on the homestead is fun though some stuff is a bit terrifying to me.  That broccoli we harvested the other day well when I went to wash it ear wigs starting falling out of it. I got the creepy crawlies so bad.  Just when I thought I had washed them all out more would crawl out.  I know it sounds pretty extreme but I was about to throw away the broccoli out, it was almost too much for me to handle.  The other unpleasant chore is checking the skunk trap.

 The skunk battle is on again since the hubby spotted another skunk when he came home the other day.  He set up the trap but forgot to check it before he left for work the next morning.  So I got a text telling me I needed to check it just in case a chicken or cat got in it.  I walked my butt down there and found a squirrel in it, pacing back and forth wanting out. I'm not too comfortable opening or setting the trap up so I knew that letting it out might be a challenge.  I tip toed up to the trap with my heart racing and tried to open it but couldn't figure the damn thing out.  I had the Christmas vacation squirrel scene in my head and just knew that darn squirrel was going to jump me.  I had to get the hubby on the phone to refresh my memory on how to open it.  I got even closer to the trap took a big swallow and wiggled and jiggled the door and it opened.  Stupid squirrel wouldn't get out.  I tried tapping on the other side to scare him out but no luck.  Finally I had to talk him through it, I looked into his eyes and said go the other way and he finally listened.  I got through it with my big girl panties on.  Until next time, onto more fun times.


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