Our Lil boy shared his cold with us so we were laid up on the couch for about a week. While we were under the weather we didn't get out to the garden like we should have. Some how the pesky deer knew our defenses were down and snuck into the garden. My heart shattered when I saw half eaten zucchini laying on the ground and my tomato plants chomped on. I'm about to go all World War III on their asses. Papa put up some more wire where the fencing wasn't as tall. One of our friends also passed on an article about sprinkling Irish spring around the perimeter. So I picked some up and grated some with a potato peeler. I threw it out along the fence line but our oh so helpful boxer decided that it looked delectable and cleaned some of it up.
Strong scented Irish Spring |
My poor defenseless jalapeƱo plants didn't see those deer coming their way and got a bit of a trim job. I had to barricade everything vulnerable as best as I could with bits and pieces of chicken wire. Our garden now looks a bit Mad Max, but if it works looks don't matter.
On the brighter side we are getting some new crop come in. Our corn stalks appear to be producing corn now, along with baby watermelon and pumpkins. I also noticed that our tomatillos are bursting with new tiny tomatillos. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel with the log splitter Papa is building. Our video on the progress is uploaded onto our You tube page so go check it out if you haven't already.
Imprisoned jalapenos |
Ooh so cute baby watermelon |
Corn silk peeking out. |
Gorgeous green tomatillos |
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