Our homestead made a big decision this week, we put down a deposit on two baby boer goats. The hubby and I put up hot wire in the back of our house recently but I was dragging my feet about actually making the decision of when to get some goats. I'm all about planning and making sure we are up for any decision we make before giving the green light. Homestead papa likes just jumping in and figuring things out as we go. To be fair though he does a lot of research before hand. But with me I need to know every possible challenge and that we can overcome it and I need to know that we can financially handle a new responsibility. If it was up to me though it would take me years before I said yes, I'm just a bit of a scaredy-cat. Casey's best answer to make me agree is to say that if it doesn't work out we can sell what ever it is...we've yet to sell anything.
I found a great deal on some cross Boer baby goats on Craigslist and sent the link to papa to look at. He was really excited and said "Let's do it." He emailed them and we set up an appointment to take a look. The three of us fell in love instantly when we saw them jumping and kicking about. The breeder lady had a lot of information for us and made us feel good about our decision. One thing we were sure on was that we want to breed them so we decided on two doelings. They're mama is still feeding them so we have to wait about two months to bring them home. The countdown is on, we've already picked out names. We don't usually name them but we hope these two will be our "breeders".
This is Lily. |
This is Belle. |
There are more additions coming next week, more chicks. Papa cleaned up the brooder he made last year for the chicks yesterday while I prepared tomatoes for the pressure canner. Our older ladies aren't laying as much anymore so it's time for a new batch. Our brooder is within the regular coop, we found that this made the transition much easier for the older hens. Firewood and canning has been keeping us busy the last few weeks. Whoever said firewood warms you three times was wrong, I've lost count how many times I've worked up a sweat. It's a huge relief knowing that our little family will be warm this winter.
I'm getting some big muscles from chucking firewood. |
We hope that you and your families stay warm this winter
Rogue Weather is predicting a warmer and dryer winter this year!
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