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I'm a Seed Hoarder

     The garden planning is a continuous process and I've made more progress on it.  Remember how I organized my seed album, well at least I thought I had.  We were hanging out in the garage and I found my plastic bin I take to the garden when we plant and I had forgotten that that's where my main stash of seed packets were.  That evening while we caught up on our tv shows on Hulu I laid out all the newly discovered packets and went over my order list.  As it turns out I've got more seeds than I knew so I won't need to shell out as much cash or what will probably happen is I'll find other seeds to spend it on.  My eyes become bigger than our garden capacity when I'm looking at all the pretty pictures of what could be in my garden.  I did place my first order of seeds through Territorial seed company.  I'm a bargain shopper and am always looking for sales or coupons so I've found out that when you place an order they send you a coupon.  The last few years I place one order and then once I get my hands on that coupon I place another order.  I save some bucks and it also spreads out the seed expense out a bit.

     Well the mail carrier brought me my order of seed packets but my smile soon turned into a frown.  I opened the package and to my surprise there was no coupon.  I was mad and sad because Territorial  seed company is somewhat local to us and we love supporting local companies plus I'm kind of a thrifty mama papa would say stingy but I love to save money and when I can't it brings me down.  I put my emotions into action and saw that they are on Facebook and even on Facebook messenger.  I had a huge rant to say to them and then Papa reminds of the saying "you get more flies with honey than vinegar" so I took a different approach.  I wrote to them and asked if they were still offering coupons because in the many years previous I've always received one, whoever was on the other end said I must have been missed and gave me the coupon code.  I was so pleased with their response and can't wait to use my coupon for more goodies.

The madness of planning, trying to take more notes this year.

     I also began sketching out our garden layout and we agreed to build two more raised beds.  Another discussion was our tomatoes or lack thereof.  My goal every year is to grow bushels and bushels of tomatoes and then can them.  Unfortunately we have yet to be successful in that goal.  We talked it over and have decided to try something different this year.  Instead of trying to cram an abundance of tomato plants in our space this year we are going to plant less and give them all the love and nutrients they need.  Gardening is a trial and error game sometimes more errors than I'd wish for, so this year we are trying something new and hoping for the best.  Last year we conquered the battle with the deer and the lack of ripened fruit this year are mission is to have a larger harvest.  If anyone has any tips I would love to hear them in the comments.

     So between starting this post and finishing I happened into our local dollar store to check out their garden section.  Believe it or not we've found some gems for only a buck in past years.  A few years ago we stumbled across plastic transplanting pots and they are quite durable, we're still using them.  Well this time they had seeds, an enormous display of flower and vegetable seeds.  I was sucked into the dollar store trance when I saw the price 4/$1, that's right each packet only .25 cents.  There was no stopping me and my grabby hands, I ended up with forty flower seed packets, don't judge me.  I'm a little skeptical about them being so cheap so I only got flower seeds.  I'm going to start some indoors and see how they do, I'll keep everyone posted.  Now I've got more packets to add to my organizer, I'm not sure they're all going to fit.  Alright now back to the homestead.

The awesome deal on containers, now they have a smaller size too.

My score from the $1 store, I sent this picture to the hubby..
I was as giddy as a school girl!!


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