I can't believe I didn't publish last week's blog until this week, I think we might have a bit too much going on right now. The days and weeks are flying by and I don't even know what day it is. I'm hoping last week was the worst of it and now it will be smooth sailing. It all started with Papa's work schedule changing, so it put the whole week out of whack. Then lil man had preschool graduation, it was his last week of school, I needed a touch up at the salon, we picked up our bees which were delayed by a week so that was a wrench in our plans and had to finish up more metal art for the market and prep everything for market day. Oh plus we had to get more tomatoes into the garden, make new cages for the raised beds, sow more seeds because some hungry creature ate my edamame, plus our everyday chores like cooking and cleaning. The week rushed by and now a new week is starting.
One of many tomato holes, epsom salt in. |
I'm used to this being a busy time for us but I think with the added tasks of having our oldest start preschool it brought on even more to do. Taking him to school twice a week and then picking him up, on those days it almost felt like nothing would get done. I guess that's what happens when kids grow up, at least we aren't sports people so no practices or games. We're super stoked that it's summer break now and we can stay home and get chores done, no leaving unless someone is severely bleeding or we run out of milk. Staying home isn't a bad thing like some might think, stuff gets done and we don't spend money.
Rolling out chicken wire, must keep plants safe. |
Is everyone else as busy and going through the blur stage right now. It's insane cause I know we accomplished stuff last week but I'm not sure what, except watering all the plants. I have so much on my mind that I'm turning on the wrong burners and wondering why my food isn't getting warm. We have good intentions and plans but the timing isn't clicking and chores keeping getting moved to the next week. A little light bulb did go off though this week on how to get more done.
More edamame going in. |
The light bulb was there's a reason why farmers get up before the sun or with the sun, which we don't...mornings aren't our thing. So you see with our bees being delayed we got to pick a new day and time and we went with 7 am, which is usually when my coffee is starting to take effect and I'm opening my eyes. We had a bee buddy who was coming over at 6 am and we would all happily go pick up our nucs. Which meant we had to set our alarm for 5 am, get coffee in the hydroflask, wake up kids and dress them and look like a somewhat functioning human. It all worked out and by lunch we were shocked by how much we had accomplished. Bees picked up and installed, everything watered, metal art completed, car cleaned out for market, and sorted out tomato plants for the market. It was incredible plus we still had another half of a day to get more done. So maybe that's the trick getting up at the crack of dawn, but at that time I like rolling over and snuggling up with my blanket for another hour of sleep. Not sure we can become early morning people. With a new week ahead of us I have high hopes and a long list of must dos. Alright now back to the homestead.
Bee day, picking up our nucs at Old Sol. |
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