Our week went by too fast probably because we were being productive and enjoying being outside. Some weeks just seem to zoom by and it's back to the work week, boo. One of our biggest dreams is to be able to be a profitable farm/homestead. As corny as it may sound we enjoy being together and working on our homestead. The best day for us is when we are outside making progress on projects.
While being productive we managed to get some logs processed and put away to keep us warm for a couple more weeks. I worked my homestead mama time management skills and the weather app to work it in between a Costco trip, doctor appts and got it done between two days. The beauty of it is Papa didn't have to get drenched in the process.
The pile is getting smaller believe it or not. |
The second day of splitting we all were able to participate and by participate I mean being an audience for Papa who is doing all the hard work. I make sure the kiddos aren't playing with anything sharp, wondering onto the easement or falling into a pond. Now that we've added Cash to the mix I have a third child to watch. He is a dog though so he just runs around smelling everything and following the big dogs around. At one point I couldn't see or hear his little tag jingling so I went to find him and was horrified by what I saw. Our fuzzy australian shepherd was right in the middle of a cocklebur bush, I gasped at the sight of the millions of thorny burs he had on him. If you don't know what a cocklebur is consider yourself lucky they are horrid tiny sharp nuisances that get caught in socks, pants, leg hair, anywhere they wish to attach. I scurried over to Papa and told him about what I discovered and his jaw dropped in awe and mouthed "OH NO!!". I'm not sure how long it will take us to get them all out or if we ever will unless we shave him.
The dogs looking for trouble. |
Lil man was also productive in breaking in his new gloves. He's finally at the age where he understands why we wear gloves, so we went to Coastal and surprised him with a new pair. They are the perfect fit and go on easily which is extremely important for children since they are easily frustrated. He ran, jumped and made hand prints in the soft muddy tractor tracks. By the end of the day he was giggling while he threw mud at Cash, giving him a nice mud bath. We became very lucky by becoming part of his new game "mud snow ball" fight. Poor Papa got the most painful one when he picked up some gravel in his last ball of mud, ouch. We'll be back at it again this week with more rounds to split, hoping it's the last round of splitting for this winter.
These two would play in the mud all day if I let them. |
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