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Unexpected Snow Storm

     Our week started off same ole and then some snow was predicted but the only snow we ever see is the pretty dusting of it and by noon it's gone.  So were we concerned, nope.  Our plan for the week consisted of lil man returning to school, cutting up more firewood because it's been colder than normal and making a quick special trip to the coast for a puppy pickup.

Firewood stack is looking bare.
     New Year's day arrived and so did the snow, not too much so we thought, no big deal.  We threw some snowballs and did some sledding that lasted about two rides before we washed the snow away. The following day we were amazed by the abundance of snow that had fallen while we slept.  The snowsuits, gloves, and hats went back on and we went outside for round two of sledding and now we had enough snow for a snowman.  With the excitement of the mounds of snow it was hard to get the kids inside to do much else.  Plus poor Papa was out of supplies to continue his welding project so we did some early spring cleaning.

     We are outside a majority of the time so things like cleaning out closets or organizing pretty much comes last.  The last few months we've been thinking more about it and doing one closet a month on a rainy day or this week a snowy day.  It's always fun to see what you find tucked away in the dark corners of the closet or the things you've been looking for for years.  I did find a few gems, like not one but two FRIENDS trivia games, those are keepers.  Also found a couple packages of Ikea candles cause you can never have enough candles, papa will tell you differently.  We did find some useful stuff like the homestead binder I put together three years ago for garden planning. I'm going to get some trading card protector sheets for my seed packets, it will make seed sorting faster and easier, my very own seed catalog.  Plus a box full of items for the Goodwill.

     The snow was gorgeous and fun until we woke up to no water.  Boy do I hate not having water, you don't realize how much you use it until the tap is dry.  Washing your hands, using it for cooking, brushing your teeth, showering and the most important using the facilities.  Papa had to break through the frozen tank of chicken water to thaw for toilet water.  Trying to teach a kid about adding water to use the bathroom is quite difficult. The not so beautiful moments of winter weather, we got the water back on and life resumed back to normal.

Need to thaw, bladder is full.

     The snow did delay us in getting our newest addition to the homestead, a puppy.  It wasn't safe to travel but trying to explain that to an excited little boy isn't the easiest task.  Our trip was only put off by one day so no big and he was worth the wait.  We've been searching for an australian shepherd and found the perfect one.  Our goal to have livestock hopefully in the near future lead us to the decision of the breed.  His name is still in progress, we'll let everyone know when we decide.  It's only been a few days but we are definitely in love, especially our little lady she's constantly taking his toys to him.  Overall a pretty awesome week, an extended school break, sledding, snowman and a new puppy what more could we ask more.  

The snow makes everything even more beautiful.


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