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Tips for Accomplishing Projects on the Homestead

     When you're homesteading or farming your chore and/or project list can be never ending so every minute of the day counts.  For us we try to be prepared when doing projects because we try to make the most of our time.  Sometimes we're fighting the weather, appointments, illnesses or lack of finances which pushes back completion but in the end we always complete what we start.  I'll share some of our tips for getting the most out of your time on your homestead.

Greenhouse being covered.

1. Have tools Ready

One of our newest tricks is having all needed tools in one spot, the way we do this is by using old dairy crates.  For instance our work on the greenhouse has continued this week and we were ready to go back out there because all our tools were in one spot.  When we start a project Papa puts nails, screws, levels, measuring tapes, plans, drills, basically all that is needed for our project in the crate.  What this does is keeps you from running back and forth to the garage or house along with not having to gather everything if the project takes longer than one day.  Once you're done with the project you can put all your tools back and the crate is ready for the next project.  You could use anything from a plastic rubbermaid to a just cardboard box, basically anything that will hold what you need.

Crate ready for work.

2. Being Kid Ready

All of us with kids know how difficult it can be to accomplish the simplest task, like just getting out the door.  I love them more than words can express but boy do they cause so many delays.  We learned a long time ago that you must be ready for whatever these little ones might decide they want or need.  I always pack a bag with snacks because even though we've just eaten breakfast as soon as we get our tools outside and about to start they get hungry.  Bring warm clothes if it's chilly, lil man often says he doesn't need it but of coarse he gets cold.  Then we have little lady who is still in diapers so make sure you pack diapers and wipes, usually we just grab the diaper bag.  When the weather is warmer we make sure and lather them with sunscreen and bring the bottle with us for re-applying.  If it is warm be sure there's a shady spot for cooling off.  Lastly bring some toys to keep them entertained for about 2 minutes, if you're lucky they'll figure out how to enjoy the beautiful land that is surrounding them.  I almost forgot, you need need to stay hydrated so you can complete what you went out there for.  

Snack in the back of the car.

3. Plan your days on a Calendar

This may seem like a simple non essential need but we get so much more done when we know what we are doing and not trying to figure it out the morning of.  I look ahead on my weather app and plan accordingly and of course with our appointments or life obligations.  It also gives you something to look forward to and makes the most of your time.  We take our son to preschool a couple days a week so those are the days we pick up supplies because we're already in town.  On days we don't have to leave the homestead we can get big projects done.  Sometimes things don't go as planned because that is life but for the most part it helps us be productive.  Along with this tip is to pick up supplies like lumber or soil that sort of thing before the day you want to complete the task.  This saves time with leaving home and then coming back to start, you'll be prepared and have more time to complete jobs.

Sample of our calendar, dots are different chores.

4.  Go with the Flow

Life doesn't always go as planned but don't stress too much, because it will get done eventually.  It's inevitable that once in a while the kids will be cranky and don't want to be outside or that they think you can hold them all day long or get sick but that's life and you move on.  Plus I know it's hard to hear but there's a life off the homestead and having friends and being social is healthy.  Papa would be ecstatic if he could just stay home 24/7, no offense to friends he has fun when I drag him away but he loves doing chores.  Plus I've had my days where I feel blah and unmotivated and that's when he drags me outside.  The kids seem to be our biggest hurdles at times.  There have been countless times when they just aren't having it and I end up having to entertain them instead of assisting Papa.  It's not like I'm helping him lift beams or anything but handing him screws or anticipating what he needs next is quite helpful so he doesn't have to get up and down.  Fighting the tots when they aren't into what we want doesn't make it easier it's just going to make for crabby and whining grownups, sometimes I wish I could just cry like toddlers do when they're tired or not getting their way but every time I do Papa just ignores me.  Alright now back to the homestead.

Taking a break from project to splash in puddles.


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