Drum roll please...the greenhouse is finished, not just a few more things to do but all the way done. I've been filling it up with my plants and I look around and I'm still in shock that we built it from some pieces of lumber. The hubby did most of the work but without an awesome assistant he still might be working on it, just kidding. I never imagined us actually building one, we have what the old owners left behind and I was alright with it. Now looking at my oh so beautiful barn style greenhouse I can't believe I would have settled for less. The old one was like a quarter of the size, leaking all over, dark and squirrels were constantly sneaking in. Here's the
link to the plans we used, thanks
Ana White for the awesome plans.
It's a beauty and filling up fast. |
The last few touches were completed this week...spray foam insulation, shelves, door trim, and door threshold. We bought a few cans of Great Stuff spray foam insulation for a few spots, we weren't completely sure how it was going to work. Papa started at the top and started spraying into exposed places, well it expands and fast. He tells me to start wiping off the excess, well I had my gloves on but it was sticking to them and to the Scott blue towels so I took them off, biggest mistake ever. I'm wiping and wiping using my fingers and then onto the towels and then I realize how sticky my hands were and I get horrified. Hands go up in the air and I'm not able to touch anything. We were both like what were we thinking, now what do we do.
Not so great for bare hands. |
We practically bolted to the garage to try to clean this "great stuff" off, no it should be called horrendous stuff. I search through the inter-webs to find a solution to getting this crap off...before I could find a quick fix Papa is handing me all these mechanical bottles of chemicals from his shelves to get it off, we scrub, wash, rinse and still sticky. Then I see it says to use acetone, so we pour acetone on our hands, and repeat process...by this time we're becoming a bit high from the fumes mixing in our tiny laundry room. After all that nothing worked, we're stuck with sticky brown/black hands. So for the next few days we're like crack heads picking at our nails, fingers, and palms. So WARNING if you ever use Great Stuff use disposable gloves. P.S after I finished writing this I realized I still have some stuck on my nails.
It filled nicely. |
Tip: Don't wipe off just wait until it dries and then
cut off excess. |
Another trip to Lowe's and we got more fence boards and trim for the door. We picked up lil man from school and to the garden we went to finish her up. Chop saw plugged in and Papa went to measuring and cutting. Once he finished the shelves, he moved onto the trim for the door. It wasn't warm out maybe 50 degrees but in the greenhouse it was like 80, having the chop saw set up in there wasn't that great for the hubby...he sweats standing in 50 degree weather. He kept having to come out for air, Papa and heat don't mix well. The hubby used a chunk of 4x4 we had laying around for the threshold, and with all that it's complete. It took a couple months and before this I didn't know I wanted a greenhouse but now I can't imagine not having it, I'm so in love with it. I did mention to Papa that I might need a lock on the inside to hide from the kids. Alright now back to the homestead.
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