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Showing posts from May, 2017

Chaos on the Homestead

     I can't believe I didn't publish last week's blog until this week, I think we might have a bit too much going on right now.  The days and weeks are flying by and I don't even know what day it is.  I'm hoping last week was the worst of it and now it will be smooth sailing.  It all started with Papa's work schedule changing, so it put the whole week out of whack.  Then lil man had preschool graduation, it was his last week of school, I needed a touch up at the salon, we picked up our bees which were delayed by a week so that was a wrench in our plans and had to finish up more metal art for the market and prep everything for market day.  Oh plus we had to get more tomatoes into the garden, make new cages for the raised beds, sow more seeds because some hungry creature ate my edamame, plus our everyday chores like cooking and cleaning.  The week rushed by and now a new week is starting. One of many tomato holes, epsom salt in.      I'm used to this be

Outcome of Our First Market

        Oops I missed a week, well there was Mother's day and I did a lot of non homesteading things like surprising my mom with a day trip to the beach and then celebrating the next day with my little family which did include gardening so blog went to backseat last week.  Oh right and then there was this tiny little thing that happened, our FIRST MARKET DAY.  I'm sure glad that first day is over, now we know what to expect and how things shall go from now on.  Plus I was so anxious and had so many butterflies I was almost making myself sick.  I don't do well with new experiences, I had the feeling like it was a first day of a new job or first day of school and had my nerves all wound up.      Papa had to work the day before so I was in charge of making sure the last little things were done, for instance pricing signs, list of everything going, and everything organized ready to be loaded up.  I think because he wasn't home it was worse for me because I just sat here b

Are You Brave Enough to be the Farmer's Assistant?

     The hardest job besides being a mom is being Papa's right hand gal or assistant.  Now don't misread what I wrote it isn't him that makes it hard it's all the duties and responsibilities that come along with the job.  Since we've been a couple I've been helping him with all types of jobs be it car repairs, plumbing, carpentry and the list goes on.  I truly love helping him because it makes his life easier and gets the project done faster but I also learn new skills along the way.  So here's my insight on being a good assistant and what comes along with it. Helping spread out soil.      The most important skill you can bring to this job is anticipation.  So what does that mean?  It means knowing what he/she will need next, be it the drill with a screw or the next piece of lumber.  Me being on my A game and just handing it to him without him telling me, I believe and I know he'll back me up is the most helpful.  Once we had kids, our project

"Papa's" Rules on the Homestead

      Working on the homestead usually means getting projects done that aren't close to the house or garage, usually building or repairing things somewhere on the property.  Over the years even before homesteading we've compiled a list of rules to follow to stay safe or just plainly get a job done without interruptions.  I hope you find these rules as helpful as McGee and DiNozzo found Gibbs' rules to be and if you don't understand my reference head over to Netflix and start binge watching NCIS.      So the first rule is one that Papa had to teach me about when we were first courting.  When we first met I was what he called a city girl and didn't know much of anything.  You think I'm joking but I lived quite a sheltered life, so when we met I started picking up some new skills.  Anyhoo, dating a mechanic means spending quality time in a garage or under a car or truck and using power tools including an air compressor.  That's when I learned his first rule d