The hardest job besides being a mom is being Papa's right hand gal or assistant. Now don't misread what I wrote it isn't him that makes it hard it's all the duties and responsibilities that come along with the job. Since we've been a couple I've been helping him with all types of jobs be it car repairs, plumbing, carpentry and the list goes on. I truly love helping him because it makes his life easier and gets the project done faster but I also learn new skills along the way. So here's my insight on being a good assistant and what comes along with it.
Helping spread out soil. |
The most important skill you can bring to this job is anticipation. So what does that mean? It means knowing what he/she will need next, be it the drill with a screw or the next piece of lumber. Me being on my A game and just handing it to him without him telling me, I believe and I know he'll back me up is the most helpful. Once we had kids, our project list decreased and I wasn't helping him out as much and my anticipation game decreased. Since we've been getting more projects done now I've definitely improved and am back to being awesome at it again.
Remember to go to other end to hold while Papa cuts. |
This next tip goes along with the previous and it's to always have extra hardware or what be it in your pocket at the ready. For example when we were putting the greenhouse together we had certain screws we used well he was on the ladder putting the roof together he had a box next to him but just to be ready for anything I put some extras in my pocket and sure enough a couple of times he dropped one and needed one asap because the less time he spent on the ladder the better, he doesn't do well with heights. I don't just supply tools/hardware when needed but also life saving necessities like when we're in the middle of the hot hot summer I carry a rag to wipe Papa's sweat off his dripping forehead. The man sweats just standing in 50 degree weather and when sweat gets into his eyes it burns, I'm like the doctor's assistant wiping sweat away because his hands are sterile.
Emptied out my pockets, I also have to hold everything the kids hand me. |
You may also need to become a mutant of sorts because you will need to be his 3rd, 4th, and at times his 5th hand. Or maybe just a juggler so you can hold everything you might need in an awkward situation when you're trying to hold two boards together, making sure it's level, drilling a pilot hole, switching out the bit on the drill, grabbing a snack or water for a toddler yelling "mom" at you. You definitely have to be able to multi-task when you're assisting.
Hold, level, and screw into place. |
Lastly but I'm sure not least is being a sound board for him when he's trying to find a solution. There have been many times when things don't go as planned or we're trying something new and he just needs me to listen and bounce ideas off of me. A lot of the time whatever it may be he's talking to me about goes over my head but at times I've understood it and helped out. Sometimes they just need someone to ramble off to and you might just need to nod your head and say "uh ha".
Trying to figure out how to work this gate opener thing. |
Being an assistant to the hubby, friend, or maybe a co-worker can be frustrating, difficult and demanding but it can also be fun. Not only fun but you can also learn a thing or two. I've learned a lot of skills and new terms since being with my Mr. Homestead and most it was learned from just watching and helping him out. Plus there's no more precious quality time than being under a truck in the middle of summer with your hubby and placing your long thick hair into a pan of motor oil. Being a fantastic helper if you think about it is the most important role because you're helping get a project done faster and with less fuss. It's not all fun and games we can get pretty irked with each other when things keep going wrong but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Alright now back to the homestead.
Learning new skill, plasma cutting. |
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